Söke – Priene – Milet – Apollon

The ruins of the Ionian city of Priene are picturesquely situated on a slope of Mykale mountain. They provide a spectacular lookout point over the plain where the river Meander winds its way to the Aegean Sea. Priene also offers an excellent practical lesson in archeology and history. The main conclusion of the visit in Priene, combined with a cursory reading of literature devoted to this city, is: nothing here is obvious. The original name of the city was, Kadme, it was founded by Karians, and it was situated in a different location on the shores of the Aegean Sea.

Miletus, Byzantine Palation, Turkish Balat, ancient Greek city of western Anatolia, some 20 miles (30 km) south of the present city of Söke, Turkey. It lies near the mouth of the Büyükmenderes (Menderes) River.

In the ancient times, Didyma was famous as the place where a colossal Temple of Apollo stood, and the oracle revealed the future. In its heyday, Didyma was not a city, but a place of worship, connected with Miletus by the so-called Sacred Way. This road was used by the pilgrims who arrived at Didyma, seeking answers to nagging questions.

Nowadays, the town of Didim, whose most famous monument is the Temple of Apollo, is a small seaside resort, located in the province of Aydın, on the Aegean coast. The main source of livelihood of its inhabitants is tourism, but agriculture, especially the cultivation of wheat and cotton, is still an important part of the local economy.

The reason for Didim’s popularity among vacationers is an attractive location — on the northern shore of Güllük Bay, opposite Bodrum Peninsula. The advantages of Didim for sunbathers are perfectly reflected in the names of town’s districts: Altınkum (Golden Sand), Gümüşkum (Silver Sand), and Sarıkum (Yellow Sand).